If you find a lower price with another Canadian retailer, before you buy or within 14 days of your purchase, we’ll gladly match that price. Should our own price be reduced, contact us within 14 days of purchase, and we will match the price and refund you the difference.
Products that qualify for our Low Price Guarantee
The product you’re comparing must meet the following criteria to qualify:
- The product must have the exact same brand name and model #
- The product must be sold and shipped by a retailer located within Canada
- The product must be priced in Canadian Dollars and include all environmental fees, shipping costs, and other charges
- The product must be in stock, available for sale
- The product must be in new, unopened condition
Including, but not limited to:
- Competitor coupons, verbal discounts or emailed discounts
- Marketplace seller such as: Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Kijiji, Facebook, etc
- We reserve the right to refuse a price match at our sole discretion